Monday, 8 June 2015

Sun in sagittarius

I'm Sagittarius, this is a fire sign and his planet is Jupiter. I agree with the majority of the things like I'm ardent, enthusiastic, comunnicator...but at time I can be nervious, agressive and tirant when somebody makes me feel angry. I considerate I have attraction to distant lands and to other cultures, is true that it's easy for my to comunnicate and learn new lenguages. In this page describe a sagittarius like an unmaturity and unresponsable person, and I don't agree with this, I'm so responsable and I have always been mature. It's true that I born to discover new horitzonts and to travel to distant countries.

The Telephone

The Telephone

Now a days we use the telephone for the most of things we do. We can tall, browse in the web, watch film or videos, take photografies, and a lot of other things. The telephone was invented by Graham Bell in 1876, but this invention was thought by the italian Antonio Meucci in 1957 and he was poor, because of the telephone don't was famous in this times. The first telephone was very different with a current telephone, now are so thin, lights and the screen don't have any keys, it's tactile. However, the old telephones were heavies, without internet, camera, games and many modernities, with keys and you only could call and reicive calls.

Monday, 26 January 2015

My Memorable Experience                 

I had my memorable experience two years ago, when I went  in a cruise with my family. I remember when my parents said to me and to my sister that would went to a Cruise. I was very happy in this moment, I was astonished. In July, we went to Venice two days and then, we went to de ship and started the cruise. I loved this week and I would repeat. Athens was the city would I liked more, it was an amazing trip!